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Captain America & His English Rose: Sonoma Chicken

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sonoma Chicken

My great friend Deborah made a dish she named Sonoma Chicken a few weeks ago and it looked delicious! I decided to steal it, add my own twist and post it here!!  I give her full credit for the initial idea, she is a creative cooking genius and she doesn't even know it!

In exchange for my unashamedly stealing her recipe let me tell you a little about Deborah!  She is one of my best friends, she was my bridesmaid, she is married to a British guy, we bonded over confusing intercontinental 'lost in translation' life experiences and without her I would have been even more confused!  She helps me understand my American husband and I help her understand her British husband.  She is the absolute opposite personality to me which is why we get on so well.  She is an incredible wife, mother, friend and event planner......just to name a few of her qualities!

Check out some of her work here A Lady & Her Englishman

This dish is fast, easy and healthy and relatively inexpensive!

In a medium pan, add sundried tomatoes, 1 1/2 cups of red wine, 1/2 cup of water, bring to boil and simmer for 5 mins. Remove from heat. 

Drain black olives, artichokes and white beans in a colander and add to the pan of tomatoes and wine, add all the seasonings and stir well.  Leave to infuse for 20 mins. Pour contents of pan into a large bowl and set aside.

Wet chop onion and garlic in Vitamix (for directions see Tri-Tip Marinade recipe) or if you do not have a Vitamix, finely chop and add to pan.

 Wash and dry the chicken breasts and cut into bite size pieces, add to pan and cook on a medium heat for about 7 mins, until the chicken begins to brown.  Add to bowl and set aside.

Chop mushrooms into bite size pieces, add to pan and cook for 3 mins.  Add to bowl and set aside.

Stir all the ingredients in the bowl until they are mixed well.  Pour contents of bowl into ovenproof baking dish, cover and bake for 30 mins.  Remove lid, stir and return to the oven for another 30 mins leaving the dish uncovered.

Serve with rice, pasta, quinoa or cous-cous.


3 chicken breasts
1 medium yellow onion
10 cloves of garlic
10 mushrooms
1 can artichokes, quartered
1 can white beans
1 can black olives
1 bag of sundried tomatoes
1 1/2 C red wine
1/2 C water
2 tbsp oregano
2 tbsp parsley
2 tbsp basil
1 tsp onion salt
salt & black pepper to taste


1) In a medium pan, add sundried tomatoes, 1 1/2 cups of red wine, 1/2 cup of water, bring to boil and simmer for 5 mins. Remove from heat

2) Drain black olives, artichokes and white beans in a colander and add to the pan of tomatoes and wine, add all the seasonings and stir well.  Leave to infuse for 20 mins. Pour contents of pan into a large bowl and set aside.

3) Wet chop onion and garlic in Vitamix (for directions see Tri-Tip Marinade recipe) or if you do not have a Vitamix, finely chop and add to pan.

4) Wash and dry the chicken breasts and cut into bite size pieces, add to pan and cook on a medium heat for about 7 mins, until the chicken begins to brown.  Add to bowl and set aside.

5) Chop mushrooms into bite size pieces, add to pan and cook for 3 mins.  Add to bowl and set aside.

6) Stir all the ingredients in the bowl until they are mixed well.  Pour contents of bowl into ovenproof baking dish, cover and bake for 30 mins.  Remove lid, stir and return to the oven for another 30 mins leaving the dish uncovered.

7) Serve with rice, pasta, quinoa or cous-cous.

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