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Captain America & His English Rose: The Redemption of the Brussels Sprout

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Redemption of the Brussels Sprout

I always like to champion the underdog and this is the moment I will redeem the Brussels sprout! I know, I know "they're horrible" I hear you cry! Wait, until AFTER you have tried this recipe and I guarantee your mind will be changed!

Most of you will have eaten boiled to death sprouts as there is a common misconception that in order to make them edible you have to boil them for hours, but the opposite is actually true, you hardly cook them at all so they retain their crunchiness and then the bitter taste and soggy texture is nowhere to be found.

This, as with nearly all my recipes, is one of the easiest things ever, it literally takes longer to prepare the sprouts than it does to cook them.

Here's what you need to do:

Chop off the base of the stem of the sprout and remove the outer leaves, chop each sprout in half and rinse with cold water.  This takes forever, but is well worth the effort!

Fill a large pot with cold water and add the sprouts and a little salt, bring the water to boil and cook for 2 mins.  

Remove pot from heat and drain the sprouts. Set aside

In a skillet, add a little olive oil and chop the bacon into small pieces, on a medium heat begin to cook the bacon

After 1 minute add the sprouts and a little black pepper for seasoning.  Cook and stir until the bacon is fully cooked and all the ingredients are fully mixed.

Serve immediately.......and await a taste bud revolution!


1lb Brussels sprouts
4 slices of smoked bacon
Ground black pepper
Olive oil


1) Chop off the base of the stem of the sprout and remove the outer leaves, chop each sprout in half and rinse with cold water.

2) Fill a large pot with cold water and add the sprouts and a little salt, bring the water to boil and cook for 2 mins.  Remove pot from heat and drain the sprouts. Set aside

3) In a skillet, add a little olive oil and chop the bacon into small pieces, on a medium heat begin to cook the bacon.

4) After 1 minute add the sprouts and a little black pepper for seasoning.  Cook and stir until the bacon is fully cooked and all the ingredients are fully mixed.

5) Serve immediately.......and await a taste bud revolution!

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