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Captain America & His English Rose: Todd's Grilled Lamb Chops with Italian Style Herb Potatoes

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Todd's Grilled Lamb Chops with Italian Style Herb Potatoes

I mentioned that Captain America can cook.....well as it's a Saturday night and he hasn't worked all day HE is cooking.....so I am taking the pictures, writing it up and sipping on a glass of Zinfandel waiting for my dinner! It smells delicious, and of course will taste much better because food ALWAYS tastes better when you don't cook it!

Todd is a perfectionist when it comes to cooking, his attention to detail is second to none and with exceptional taste buds and sense of smell it brings out his inner melancholy and results in two things; 1) delicious food like the kind you find in the best restaurants and 2) I have to leave the kitchen because are cooking styles are POLAR opposite, we drive each other crazy and usually end up arguing!

One day I hope we are able to get over this and cook harmoniously together but for now we just have to keep out of the kitchen while the other is cooking and enjoy the results!

This was the wine I was drinking while Todd was cooking - it went really well with the dinner too!

Thinly slice the potatoes so they are in 1/8 inch slices.  Place in a 9 x 13 baking dish

Slice the onion, add to the baking dish

Pour the oil into the dish and mix all the ingredients until they are coated in the oil

Add the seasonings to the dish and mix well, spread the potatoes and onions evenly across the base of the pan making sure they are overlapping as little as possible.

Wash the lamb steaks and dry using a paper towel

Rub both sides of each chops with the grapeseed oil, until each chop is thoroughly coated, then add the all the seasonings, making sure there is a light sprinkling of each on the chops

Grill the lamb on a BBQ on a medium heat; be very careful to watch this stage closely as the combination of grapeseed oil and lamb fat is very flammable.  Cook for approx 15 mins, turning occasionally, so the the meat is charred on both sides and there is no pink in the center of the chops.

Action shot - just to prove how flammable they really are!

We served the lamb and potatoes with some freshly cooked asparagus and lashings of Zinfandel! Delicious!

Grilled Lamb Chops

Lamb Shoulder Chops - 1 per person
2 tsp Grapeseed oil
A sprinkling of Onion Salt
A sprinkling of Garlic Salt
A sprinkling of Ground Black Pepper
A sprinkling of Oregano
A sprinkling of Dried Parsley
A sprinkling of Ground Mustard
Todd may have attention to detail, but he cooks by eye rather than measuring things out!

Italian Style Herb Potatoes

1lb potatoes
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (enough to coat the potatoes)
1 Tbsp Garlic Salt
2 tsp Ground Black Pepper
1 1/2 tsp Thyme
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
1 tsp Onion Salt
1/4 C white or yellow onion, slivered

For the lamb:

1) Wash the lamb steaks and dry using a paper towel

2) Rub both sides of each chops with the grapeseed oil, until each chop is thoroughly coated, then add the all the seasonings, making sure there is a light sprinkling of each on the chops

3) Grill the lamb on a BBQ on a medium heat; be very careful to watch this stage closely as the combination of grapeseed oil and lamb fat is very flammable.  Cook for approx 15 mins, turning occasionally, so the the meat is charred on both sides and there is no pink in the center of the chops.

For the potatoes:

1) Preheat oven to 400F

2) Thinly slice the potatoes so they are in 1/8 inch slices.  Place in a 9 x 13 baking dish

3) Slice the onion, add to the baking dish

4) Pour the oil into the dish and mix all the ingredients until they are coated in the oil

5) Add the seasonings to the dish and mix well, spread the potatoes and onions evenly across the base of the pan making sure they are overlapping as little as possible.

6) Bake for 30 mins, or until they are soft and a little crispy at the edges

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At February 3, 2013 at 10:35 AM , Blogger Bethany Berry said...

Mmm... we haven't done lamb yet. Matt and I totally have the same issues in the kitchen. It's slowly getting better.


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