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Captain America & His English Rose: Biscotti

Friday, February 8, 2013


I love biscotti! Even before I met Todd, I loved it.  It is one of the easiest biscuit recipes I have ever made, and although it is a little time consuming you can make a huge batch and they last for a long time.....if they don't all get eaten first!

After Todd and I started dating, I wanted to learn the top tips from my new Sicilian family about how to improve these cookies, whole aniseed was the key I was told.  Since then I have continued to use it and found the following recipe which makes a delicious cookie.

One of the most terrifying things, as a new member to a Sicilian family is to find out that your Mother in Law makes AMAZING biscotti....apparently these are just as good, according to my husband, and we all know he doesn't give his seal of approval easily.

I made these again this Christmas and they were a huge success, demands were made for more and some of the family were requesting the recipe! I think they passed the test!

The original recipe adds cranberries and pistachios.  They are delicious.  I have also added almonds and chocolate chips, but our personal favorite is 'original' recipe biscotti with almonds.
For the link to the original recipe click here, Biscotti with cranberries & pistachios

Makes about 3 1/2 dozen

2 1/4 C all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
6 Tbsp (3/4 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
3/4 C sugar
2 large eggs
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp whole aniseed


Cranberry & Pistachio
1 cup dried sweetened cranberries and 3/4 cup shelled natural unsalted pistachios
Traditional Almond 
1 1/2 C chopped almonds

Almond & Chocolate
1 C chocolate chips (white or semi-sweet), 3/4 C chopped almonds, 1 Tbsp cocoa powder


1) Preheat oven to 325°F. Line 3 large baking sheets with parchment paper. 

2) Sift first 3 ingredients into medium bowl. 

3) Using electric mixer, beat butter and sugar in large bowl to blend well. Beat in eggs 1 at a time. 

4) Mix in vanilla, and aniseed. Beat in flour mixture just until blended. 

5) Stir in your additional ingredients depending which variety you are choosing to make (dough will be sticky). Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface. Gather dough together; divide in half. Roll each half into 15-inch-long log (about 1 1/4 inches wide). Carefully transfer logs to 1 prepared baking sheet, spacing 3 inches apart.

6) Bake logs until almost firm to touch but still pale and slightly browned around the edges, about 25 mins. Allow logs to cool for a couple of minutes. Maintain oven temperature.

7) Carefully transfer logs still on parchment to cutting board. Using serrated knife and gentle sawing motion, cut logs crosswise into generous 1/2-inch-thick slices. Place slices, 1 cut side down, on remaining 2 prepared sheets. 

8) Bake until firm and pale golden, about 10 minutes per side. Transfer cookies to racks and cool.

Store airtight between sheets of waxed paper at room temperature.

Sorry there are no pictures to match this recipe but I haven't made them since starting this blog, I will add photographs next time I make them, I promise!

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