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Captain America & His English Rose: Captain America's Stuffed Bell Peppers

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Captain America's Stuffed Bell Peppers

Todd has been telling me about this recipe for months, and finally he got the time to make it and it was well worth the wait! This is healthy, tasty and simple!

Todd is amazing in the kitchen and this is another masterpiece. He created it from scratch too....not a recipe in sight!

This version is made with red and yellow bell peppers, but he insists that red and green work the best.  You can also switch up the meat and use ground beef instead, but we prefer the leaner turkey option!


Cook rice, following the instructions on the packet.

Wash the bell peppers, cut off the top and remove all the seeds and veins (without puncturing the bell pepper), and place upright in an ovenproof baking dish

Dice the onion and garlic and place in a bowl.

Grate the jack cheese and 4 oz of the cheddar cheese and add to the bowl. 

Add the uncooked ground turkey and the can of tomato paste to the bowl and mix it altogether.......it's optional whether you use your hands or not!

Add the seasonings and mix well.

Stuff the bell peppers and cover with foil.

Cook for 30 mins.

Remove from oven and add the 4 oz cheddar cheese on top of each bell pepper and pour over the can of tomato sauce. 

Cover with foil again and bake for 20 mins, then uncover and cook for a further 10 mins, or until the bell peppers and their stuffing is fully cooked.

Serve immediately!

Makes 6 bell peppers


1 15 oz can tomato sauce
1 12 oz can tomato paste
1 medium onion, diced
8 cloves of garlic, diced
6 bell peppers (any color)
2 lbs ground turkey
1/2 C white rice
4 oz Jack cheese, grated
8oz cheddar cheese, 4 oz grated and added to mixture, 4 oz for topping
2 tsp thyme or oregano
2 Tbsp parsley
1/2 tsp paprika
1 1/4 tsp garlic salt or onion salt
3/4 tsp ground black pepper
4 tsp chives


Preheat oven to 400F

Cook rice, following the instructions on the packet.

Wash the bell peppers, cut off the top and remove all the seeds and veins (without puncturing the bell pepper), and place upright in an ovenproof baking dish

Dice the onion and garlic and place in a bowl.  Grate the jack cheese and 4 oz of the cheddar cheese and add to the bowl. Add the uncooked ground turkey, the can of tomato paste and the rice to the bowl and mix it altogether.......it's optional whether you use your hands or not!

Add the seasonings and mix well. Stuff the bell peppers and cover with foil.

Cook for 30 mins.

Remove from oven and add the 4 oz cheddar cheese on top of each bell pepper and pour over the can of tomato sauce. Cover with foil again and bake for 20 mins,  then uncover and cook for a further 10 mins, or until the bell peppers and their stuffing is fully cooked.

Serve immediately!

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