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Captain America & His English Rose: Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Breasts

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Breasts

This a is recipe inspired by one my Mum makes.  It is very simple and quick to make!

The combination of flavors is delicious and the filling keeps the chicken moist and the prosciutto adds a crispness! We were delighted with the results.

Here is the step by step guide:


2 chicken breasts
4 oz cream cheese
1/4 C pesto
10 slices prosciutto

Wash and dry the chicken breasts

Using a sharp knife, make slices into the underneath of the chicken breast, creating small 'pockets' in the meat.

In a small bowl, mix 4 oz cream cheese and 1/4 C pesto

Mix well.

Spoon the cream cheese and pesto mixture into each of the breasts, making sure all the 'pockets' are filled.

On a cutting board, lay out 4 slices of prosciutto so that they are overlapping slightly.

Place the stuffed chicken onto the prosciutto, tucking the chicken in to ensure the filling does not fall out.

Wrap the chicken with the prosciutto and insert skewers to secure.  Place in a oven proof baking dish.

 Bake at 350F for approximately 35 mins, or until the chicken is fully cooked (time will vary depending on the thickness of your chicken breasts).

Serve immediately.

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