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Captain America & His English Rose: St Patrick's Day Special: Lucky Charms Treats

Saturday, March 16, 2013

St Patrick's Day Special: Lucky Charms Treats

I decided to make these with one of our kids from church! He had a day off school so I was looking after him and wanted something fun we could both make together.  In celebration of St Patrick's Day, I wanted to find something kid friendly, quick, easy and fun....and this was it!

These are so simple, you can make them with your kids BEFORE St Patrick's Day!

We used rice krispies and lucky charms in ours, but you can just use lucky charms!

Measure out the cereal

Pick out the marshmallows from the lucky charms cereal and set aside for later.

Put the measured out cereal into a bowl.

In a medium sized saucepan, melt the butter.

Then add the marshmallows, stirring constantly until they are completely melted.

Add the melted marshmallows and butter to the cereal.

Stir until completely mixed.

Add half the lucky charms marshmallows and stir.

Put half the mixture in each of the greased dishes and, using your hands, pack the mixture firmly into the pan, making sure it is evenly distributed.

Chill for at least 30 minutes, then turn out of the pan and cut into squares.

..........and serve!


Yield: around 30 squares

6 Tbsp. butter
8 C marshmallows
10 C Lucky Charms and rice krispie cereal
Cooking spray


1) Pick out all the lucky charms marshmallows from the cereal, put in a bowl and set aside.

2) In a medium saucepan over low heat, melt butter and then add the marshmallows, stirring constantly until the marshmallows are completely melted.

3) Once melted, pour in cereal and mix until well-coated.

4) Press cereal mixture into a greased two 9 x 13 pan. Sprinkle with reserved Lucky Charms marshmallows, pressing them firmly into the mixture so they are not loose.

5) Once set, cut into squares and serve.

Adapted from : momspark.net

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