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Captain America & His English Rose: Spicy Pasta Sauce

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spicy Pasta Sauce

One of the benefits of living with a Sicilian is that basic italian recipes course through his veins! To my very British brain, pasta sauce is pasta sauce (dare I even say that it used to come out of a jar!!) but heaven forbid we use pre-made pasta sauce anymore.  With Todd around it really would be a waste of his skills and knowledge, and the joy is I don't need to spend hours researching or trying different recipes, I just ask him and do what he tells me and it's perfect every time!

This recipe is a little more spicy than your average pasta sauce.  We were making it for a very specific purpose, Meatball Sandwiches, the full recipe for this is coming soon! We needed the sauce to be a little sweet, with a spicy kick.

In a large pan, add the olive oil and the diced onion and cook on a medium heat.
Add the seasonings (except the black pepper), and continue to cook until the onion softens, approximately 4 minutes.

Add the tomato sauce, tomato paste and diced tomatoes and stir so everything is thoroughly mixed.  Cook on a low heat for approximately 15 minutes.
Add a little black pepper to enhance the taste.

Serve over pasta, or use in the Meatball Sandwich recipe.


1 medium onion, diced
dash of olive oil
1 1/2 tbsp dried basil
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 1/2 tsp onion salt
2 tbsp dried parsley
1 tbsp italian seasoning

1 15oz can tomato sauce
1 12oz can tomato paste
1 14oz can diced tomatoes with green chilies
Black pepper to taste


1) In a large pan, add the olive oil and the diced onion and cook on a medium heat.

2) Add the seasonings (except the black pepper), and continue to cook until the onion softens, approximately 4 minutes.

3) Add the tomato sauce, tomato paste and diced tomatoes and stir so everything is thoroughly mixed.  Cook on a low heat for approximately 15 minutes.

4) Add a little black pepper to enhance the taste.

5) Serve over pasta, or use in the Meatball Sandwich recipe.

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